Thursday, 30 January 2014

Setting the scene

 After a gruelling 3 year Architecture degree, a slight dabble in waitressing and one year working for Architecture practices in both Oxford and Poole. Finally! The time has come and its 3 more days until I leave for Quito with Tom.

I've packed for four seasons got injections and made the obligatory trip to Boots pharmacy shop - whoever checked out my basket must have thought I was rather unfortunate; Imodium, dioralite, athletes foot cream... lovely! 

Needless to say its been a long time coming and I'm looking forward to having a break from the computer and quality time to pursue my love of travel, culture, beautiful landscapes and ridiculously cheap booze (beer is 70-90p a bottle in Bolivia :p)

Hopefully (wifi depending) I will be able to keep you updated on our latest whereabouts through this blog and also let us know how you are doing either through comments on this page, facebook or e-mail!